Neofuse Affiliate Marketing - What The Hell Was I Doing On Madison Avenue All Those Years???

by: Kevin Browne

The Neofuse Affiliate Marketing model is one that must be looked for a number of reasons. Not the least of which is that it DID NOT START AS AN AFFILIATE PROGRAM.

In fact Neofuse was borne out of a very real need for small to mid sized businesses to share information that WORKED! It was started in the Midwest (Ohio) by business professionally who saw clearly that too many online and offline business owners were continually trying to reinvent the wheel.

And in doing so, they were wasting hundreds of thousands of dollars. And getting little to no results.

Neofuse is a B2B social networking site that pushes REAL CONTENT, real value from one business owner to another...that content is all about results. What has worked for one florist, it can be surmised, will work for another florist, no matter how far apart.

It is about the cooperative exchange of those SUCCESSFUL business methodologies that makes Neofuse so singularly unique and powerful.

Now...and brace yourself for this one kids...add on top of that a business opportunity that literally pays THREE LEVELS DEEP and now you're talking about an affiliate plan that works ON TOP OF an amazing product!

Forget the juices and the pills and the soaps...when you are working and dealing the Neofuse world, you are operating at peak efficiency with a site that exceeds the expectations of its users. Daily.

Not a bad way to run a site, huh?

The Neofuse affiliate program not only accomplishes what the best affiliate programs can boast, but it does so as a by product of all of the things it accomplishes at the site level.

Ask that blue green algae pill if it can say that.

To me, the breakdown of the affiliate model starts when the goods and services either become stale or become saturated throughout the marketplace (a la Clickbank.)

Neofuse does not officially launch until Feb 2, 2008.

So if it's the "answer" to the greatest advertising questions of all time, answer me this...what was I doing on Madison Avenue?

About The Author
Kevin Browne is 19 year Madison Avenue veteran, and now owner of He and his partners are now teaching people how to SPECIFICALLY make money online. To replicate their success, visit and FINALLY make the money you know you should be making online!


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